Are There Specific ADU Regulations for Los Angeles Homeowners?

Curious about the specific ADU regulations for Los Angeles homeowners? Dive into the details below to learn more about what you need to know.

Interior of light living room in pastel colors with comfortable couch near glass table and TV set

Understanding ADUs

ADU regulations in Los Angeles refer to the rules and guidelines set by the city regarding the construction and rental of Accessory Dwelling Units. These regulations cover important aspects such as size limitations, parking requirements, and permitting processes. Los Angeles is a very complicated City and actually gettting a permit is long , painful process. Contact a professional ADU builder like to help navigate the maze of regulations and departments.

When considering building an ADU, it’s crucial for Los Angeles homeowners to familiarize themselves with these regulations to ensure compliance and avoid any potential legal issues down the line. Understanding the specific ADU regulations in your area can help you plan your project effectively.

In Los Angeles, ADU regulations aim to provide more affordable housing options, promote sustainable urban development, and address the growing housing needs in the city. By adhering to these regulations, homeowners can contribute to the community’s housing diversity.

Navigating through the intricate web of ADU regulations can be daunting, but with the right information and guidance, homeowners can successfully navigate the process. Whether you’re looking to build an ADU for extra income or housing family members, understanding the regulations is essential.

The specific ADU regulations in Los Angeles are designed to balance the needs of homeowners with the city’s housing goals. By following these regulations, homeowners can create additional housing units that comply with local laws and benefit both the homeowners and the community.

Researching Local Regulations

Researching local ADU regulations in Los Angeles is a crucial first step for homeowners considering building an Accessory Dwelling Unit. This involves reviewing city ordinances, zoning laws, and building codes specific to ADUs in the area.

Understanding the nuances of local ADU regulations can help homeowners make informed decisions about their property and construction plans. By researching these regulations, homeowners can avoid costly mistakes and ensure their ADU project proceeds smoothly.

Local ADU regulations in Los Angeles may vary based on factors such as neighborhood zoning, lot size, and property type. Conducting thorough research and seeking guidance from local authorities can provide homeowners with clarity on what is permitted and required for their ADU.

When researching local ADU regulations, homeowners should pay close attention to details such as setback requirements, height restrictions, and utility connections. Being well-informed about these regulations can help homeowners plan and execute their ADU project successfully.

By delving into the specifics of local ADU regulations, Los Angeles homeowners can ensure that their ADU complies with all necessary guidelines and requirements. Researching these regulations is a proactive step towards a seamless and compliant ADU construction process.




The City’s Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Ordinance (Ord. No. 186,481) was adopted on December

11, 2019 and became effective on December 19, 2019. It added Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC)

Section 12.22 A.33. This new section of the LAMC includes local development standards and incorporates certain state law development standards and requirements for ADUs in Government Code (GC) Sections 65852.2.

The purpose of this Information Bulletin is to provide guidelines about the City’s regulations regarding the use of a Movable Tiny House as an Accessory Dwelling Unit and to provide information regarding permit requirements.


A Movable Tiny House (MTH) is defined in LAMC Section 12.03 as:

An enclosed space intended for separate, independent living quarters of one family and meets the following requirements:

a. Is licensed and registered with the California Department of Motor Vehicles;

b. Meets the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 119.5 requirements or the

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1192 standards, and is certified for ANSI or NFPA compliance. A 3rd party inspection agency (Design Approval Agency/Quality Assurance Agency) shall certify the MTH meets this requirement (List of approved 3rd party Design Approval Agencies (DAA) and Quality Assurance Agencies (QAA));

c. Cannot move under its own power;

d. Is no larger than allowed by California State Law for movement on public highways;

e. Is no smaller than 150 and no larger than 430 square feet as measured within the exterior faces of the exterior walls.

As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities. For efficient handling of information internally and in the internet, conversion to this new format of code related and administrative information bulletins including MGD and RGA that were previously issued will allow flexibility and timely distribution of information to the public.


MTHs are permitted through a ministerial process in all zones which allow for any type of residential use and where there is a proposed or existing dwelling unit (or units) on the lot subject to the additional restrictions and limits in 12.22 A33©(4) for Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones and Hillside Areas.

MTHs shall comply with LAMC 12.22 A.33©, except for those provisions that apply solely to buildings and structures and all provisions in LAMC 12.22 A.33(f). MTHs are not considered “structures” under the Zoning Code or Building Code. Therefore, Building Code regulations (LAMC Section 12.22A.33©(9)) and fire sprinkler requirements (LAMC Section 12.22 A33©(10)) do not apply to MTHs.

A. Zoning Requirements

  1. Height Limit. The MTH is limited to 2 stories.
  2. Automobile Parking Requirements. One standard parking space is required for a MTH


a. Located within ½ mile walking distance from a bus or rail stop,

b. Located within one block of a designated car share pickup or drop off location,

c. Located within an applicable historic district or any Historic Preservation Overlay


  1. Automobile Parking Location. The automobile parking space that is required for the MTH is allowed to be located in any yard area or passageway. When MTH parking is located in a required front yard, the parking must be located on an existing driveway. Driveway access areas located in the required front yard shall not be expanded to provide required parking. Parking may be provided through tandem parking.

Other objective parking and driveway standards in the LAMC apply, including those found in Sections 12.21 A.5 and 12.21A.6.

  1. Passageway. No passageway, nor space between buildings, as per LAMC 12.21.C.2 and

LAMC 12.21 C.5(d), is required.

  1. Yard Setbacks. The MTH placement location may not be within the required front yard setback for the zone and must be at least 4 feet away from the rear and side lot lines.
  2. The MTH shall not be located between the primary dwelling unit and the street adjoining the front yard, except where the MTH is on a Through Lot and complies with LAMC 12.21


As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities. For efficient handling of information internally and in the internet, conversion to this new format of code related and administrative information bulletins including MGD and RGA that were previously issued will allow flexibility and timely distribution of information to the public.

B. Required Provisions

a. Only 1 MTH is allowed on a lot. Only 1 MTH may be approved on a lot in any 12 month period.

b. The undercarriage (wheels, axles, tongue and hitch) shall be hidden from view.

c. The wheels and leveling or support jacks must sit on a paved surface compliant with LAMC 12.21 A.6©.

d. Mechanical equipment shall be incorporated into the structure and not located on the roof.

e. MTHs shall be connected to water, sewer and electric utilities. A 30 amp minimum

circuit shall be installed, but not less than required by the MTH manufacturer.

f. MTHs are not required to have independent service utility (drainage) connections

provided the MTHs meet the specific requirements in Government Code Section

65852.2 and existing service utility complies with the current plumbing code.

g. MTHs are not required to have separate street addresses from the primary dwelling unit.

h. MTHs are not required to have sprinklers, but shall follow the ANSI A119.5 or NFPA

1192 standards relating to health, fire and life-safety.

C. Required Design Elements

a. Cladding and Trim. Materials used on the exterior of a movable tiny house shall

exclude single piece composite, laminates, or interlocked metal sheathing.

b. Windows and Doors. Windows shall be at least double pane glass and labelled for

building use, and shall include exterior trim. Windows and doors shall not have radius corners.

c. Roofing. Roofs shall have a minimum of a 12:2 pitch for greater than 50% of the roof area, and shall not be composed of wooden shingles.

d. Extensions. All exterior walls and roof of a movable tiny houses used as ADUs shall be fixed with no slide-outs, tip-outs, nor other forms of mechanically articulating room area extensions.

D. General Provisions

a. When a MTH is proposed in conjunction with a new primary dwelling, the MTH may not be occupied, or a Certificate of Occupancy issued for the use of land for the MTH, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the primary dwelling on the lot.

As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities. For efficient handling of information internally and in the internet, conversion to this new format of code related and administrative information bulletins including MGD and RGA that were previously issued will allow flexibility and timely distribution of information to the public.


  1. A Use of Land permit combined with Electrical and Plumbing is required from LADBS for the MTH. No Building permit will be issued. The following are submittal requirements for the Use of Land permit:

a. Plans shall be prepared with ink or indelible pencil or by a reproduction process,

drawn to scale, fully dimensioned, and a minimum size of 24” x 36”. Plans shall be of

sufficient clarity to show in detail that the project will conform to the provisions of all

applicable codes and of relevant laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and orders.

b. Plot/Site Plan, to show the following:

i. Vicinity map and north arrow

ii. Project address, legal description, as well as the project owner’s name, address,

and telephone number

iii. Lot dimensions, property lines, streets, alleys, existing buildings and use.

iii. Parking layout, driveway location and sidewalks.

iv. MTH footprint showing the dimensions, square footage, stories and roof slope.

v. All projections and dimensions to property lines and adjacent structures from the


vi. Location of required MTH utility hookups (post), existing visible utilities on site

and easements.

c. Permit History Records.

i. Copies of all existing building permits and plot plans are required for all structures

on the lot. Copies of the existing records can be obtained from the Records

Section of LADBS.

  1. Requirements From Other Agencies

a. Sewer Availability clearance from Public Works – Bureau of Engineering is required.

b. Review and approval from other departments and agencies, such as Housing

Department and the Department of Water and Power, may be required.

  1. Permit Fees

a. Per LABC Section 107.2.7, a fee of $150.00 shall be charged for the issuance of each

Certificate of Occupancy for use of land.

b. Per LABC Section 107.2.2, a fee based on Table 1-A.1 shall be charged for combined

Electrical and Plumbing inspections.

  1. Owner’s Acknowledgement and Declaration

a. The attached Owner’s Acknowledgement and Declaration shall be completed,

signed and notarized by the property owner and will become part of the MTH permit.

As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request, will provide

reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities. For efficient handling of information internally and in the internet, conversion to this

new format of code related and administrative information bulletins including MGD and RGA that were previously issued will allow flexibility and timely distribution of information

to the public.

Owner’s Acknowledgement & Declaration

Movable Tiny House

Application Number:____________________________________________________________

Project Address:_______________________________________________________________

DIRECTIONS: The owner shall read each General and Required Provision and Required Design Element listed below. This form shall be signed by the property owner, notarized and will become part of your Movable Tiny House (MTH) permit signifying you understand and will comply with each provision and design element as it relates to your (MTH).

General Provisions

  1. The MTH is licensed and registered with the California Department of Motor Vehicles.
  2. The MTH meets the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 119.5 requirements or the National Fire

Protection Association (NFPA) 1192 standards, and is certified for ANSI or NFPA compliance.

  1. The MTH cannot move under its own power.
  2. The MTH is no larger than allowed by California State Law for movement on public highways.
  3. The MTH shall not be greater than two stories.

Required Provisions

  1. Only one MTH is allowed to be located on a lot and no lot may be approved for more than one MTH in a twelve month period.
  2. The undercarriage (wheels, axles, tongue and hitch) shall be hidden from view.
  3. The wheels and leveling or support jacks must sit on a paved surface compliant with LAMC 12.21 A.6©.
  4. Mechanical equipment shall be incorporated into the structure and not located on the roof.
  5. The MTH shall be connected to water, sewer and electric utilities. A 30 amp minimum circuit shall be installed, but not less than required by the MTH manufacturer.
  6. The MTH is not required to have independent service utility (drainage) connections provided the MTH meets the

specific requirements in Government Code Section 65852.2 and existing service utility complies with the current plumbing code.

  1. The MTH is not required to have a separate street address from the primary dwelling unit.
  2. The MTH is not required to have sprinklers, but shall follow the ANSI A119.5 or NFPA 1192 standards relating to health, fire and life-safety.

Required Design Elements

  1. Cladding and Trim. Materials used on the exterior of a MTH shall exclude single piece composite, laminates, or interlocked metal sheathing.
  2. Windows and Doors. Windows shall be at least double pane glass and labelled for building use, and shall include

exterior trim. Windows and doors shall not have radius corners.

  1. Roofing. Roofs shall have a minimum of a 12:2 pitch for greater than 50 percent of the roof area, and shall not be composed of wooden shingles.
  2. Extensions. All exterior walls and roof of a MTH shall be fixed with no slide-outs, tip-outs, nor other forms of mechanically articulating room area extensions.

I acknowledge I have the responsibility to comply with all of the above provisions and design elements.

Owner’s Name:__________________________________________________

Signature of Property Owner:_______________________________________ Date:__________________

Meeting Requirements

Meeting the requirements outlined in ADU regulations is essential for Los Angeles homeowners planning to build an Accessory Dwelling Unit. These requirements typically include factors such as unit size, parking provisions, and distance from existing structures.

Ensuring compliance with the specific ADU requirements can streamline the permitting process and prevent delays in construction. By meeting these requirements, homeowners can move forward with their ADU project confidently and within the bounds of the law.

Homeowners in Los Angeles must meet certain ADU requirements related to property setbacks, lot coverage, and building heights to obtain the necessary permits for construction. Understanding and fulfilling these requirements is crucial for a successful ADU project.

Meeting the requirements set forth by local ADU regulations can help homeowners avoid legal issues and ensure the safety and functionality of their ADU. By adhering to these requirements, homeowners can create a valuable living space that complies with established guidelines.

Compliance with ADU regulations is key to a smooth construction process and the successful completion of an Accessory Dwelling Unit. Los Angeles homeowners embarking on an ADU project should carefully review and meet all requirements to enjoy the benefits of this additional housing option.

Delving into ADU Regulations

Exploring the ADU regulations in Los Angeles can help you navigate the process smoothly and make informed decisions about your property. Stay informed and make the most out of these regulations. Another good ADU resource is is from HCD ADU Handbook: